Mary Luke 1:26-38 Rev. Mark Bartsch Kobe Union Church 8 December 2024
Isaiah 11:6:"The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them."
I know that Isaiah’s prophecy is about the Messiah (Jesus), but when I think of this passage, I think of Mary as well—a young woman showing us what real faith is, what real trust in God is. I teach students who are in Sr.1, who are all 15 to 16 years old, and there is a variety of levels of maturity in my students I have taught over the years. And let’s be honest: most of the girls are more mature (emotionally) than the boys. But not mature enough to make a knowing decision to turn their lives upside down like Mary did. The truth of the story is that Mary was mature enough to know the cost of saying yes to God. To think otherwise is to cheapen her act of faith. Knowing the consequences, she still says yes to God.
She was an ordinary girl from an ordinary small town. The people from Jerusalem thought that people from Nazareth were hicks, country bumpkins (inakamono). When asked about following Jesus and finding out that Jesus was from Nazareth, Nathanael says, “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” (John 1:46). And yet this young woman, 14 to 16 years old, could teach the oldest of us, the supposedly most mature of us, the meaning of obedience and trust in God.
Mary was not special. She was ordinary. I know that sounds crazy to say about one of the most important people in human history (and she is). The same thing could be said about the Jewish people. Nothing about the Jewish people is special. I know that the apostle Paul was smart, but there was nothing special about him. I know that Samson was a strong guy, but there was nothing special about him either. As the saying goes, they all put their pants on one leg at a time. What made Mary special was her connection to God by faith.
What made the Jewish people special was their relationship with God through the covenant by faith. What made Paul special was his connection to God by faith. What made Samson special (and by the time he figured out what made him special, he was bald and in chains) was that when he submitted to the will of God, he became special. And you—you’re not that special either. Neither is KUC. Some of you are smarter than others, but what makes each of us special is our connection to Christ by faith.
That is why Hebrews 11 is so important to read and re-read and re-read so that we do not forget that none of the 16 people mentioned in Hebrews 11 are special except that they lived by faith, not by sight. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." And this young 14- to 16-year-old girl teaches us what it looks like to submit to God, to live in a relationship with God by faith.
Has anyone ever heard the name Charles Blondin? He was a world-famous tightrope walker. In one of his most famous challenges, he walked across Niagara Falls pushing a wheelbarrow. No nets, no nothing, with the spray of the falls making the ropes slick, he crossed, only to have a jerk jeer him, telling him that what he did was nothing. Others in the crowd tried to silence the jerk, but Charles quieted the crowd. He said to the man, “Get in the wheelbarrow.” At that, the man got quiet. Then Charles said, “I will take any of you in the wheelbarrow,” but none would climb in. Finally, his friend and manager, who had never walked on a high rope, said, “I will.” And he got into the wheelbarrow and rode across the falls, seeing it like no one in history had ever seen.
It was with absolute trust in his friend. Mary, 2,000 years earlier, got in God’s wheelbarrow, and that courage to say yes to God marks her as one of the greatest people in history. And while you cannot bear the Savior—that has already been done—you can get into the wheelbarrow God has prepared for you. All you need to do is say, “Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. Yes, yes, Lord. Yes, Lord, yes, yes, Lord, Amen,” as the song goes.
See, when the angel came to her, she was engaged to be married to Joseph. We know that it is the sixth month, which does not mean June. It is the sixth month since Elizabeth is with child.
In Japan and Canada, when a couple falls in love, they often exchange rings at their engagement and start planning a wedding. It is not totally uncommon for a couple to get engaged and feel that they are not right for each other and break up. It is sad, but it happens. Sometimes there is a fight over returning the ring, but generally, it is pretty easy since no legal documents have been signed. But in Jewish tradition, engagement was a formal agreement like a marriage license. It lasted one year, during which the groom would start working on an addition to his family home, and the woman would prepare to take on the responsibilities of being a wife. During that year, they would not be permitted to be alone; they would always be accompanied by another family member for their protection. If there was a disagreement to break the engagement, they would need a certificate of annulment, like a divorce document, stating why. So it was a big deal, and no one entered into it lightly.
We know that Joseph, despite being a descendant of King David, was an ordinary carpenter, and I will talk about him next Sunday.
The first thing we notice is the difference between the greeting of Mary and the greeting last week of Zechariah. Gabriel greets Zechariah, one of only nine people in all of the Scriptures described as upright and righteous before the Lord, with “Do not be afraid.” But with Mary, he greets her as royalty: “Highly favored, the Lord is with you.”
To be "highly favored" biblically means to be the recipient of God's grace, blessings, and special attention, often for a specific purpose or role in His divine plan. The Greek word used in Luke 1:28 is charitoō, which means "to bestow grace upon." To be highly favored indicates that God's unmerited favor or grace is upon a person. It does not imply that the person earned this favor but rather that God chose them out of His sovereign will.
Gabriel tells her, “Mary, you have found favor with God.” To find favor with God is to get God’s seal of approval on your life. Then the angel goes on to say, “You will bear a son, and you will call him Jesus.” The name Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Yeshua (Joshua), which means "The Lord saves" or "Yahweh is salvation." From the very beginning, we know that God places His name on Jesus’ life by not only telling us what His name is but also what His purpose is—to bring salvation to the world, and that kingdom will never end.
The greeting troubled Mary. Some people need to be complimented for everything. Others are totally embarrassed by real compliments. Mary had no idea why Gabriel was saying, “Highly favored,” because she was humble.
So Mary responds humbly: “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” This is not the same as Zechariah’s questioning of Gabriel. Zechariah doubted, but Mary was curious—she wanted to understand. Gabriel then explained that the Holy Spirit would come upon her, and the power of the Most High would overshadow her. The word "overshadow" used here conveys the image of God's presence covering her in a way similar to the cloud that filled the Tabernacle in the wilderness, representing God's presence among His people.
And Mary’s response? “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.” She didn’t argue, she didn’t run, and she didn’t question God’s ability to do the impossible. She trusted.
Think of the consequences of her “yes” to God. She was agreeing to a future filled with misunderstandings, judgments, and potential rejection by her community. A pregnant, unmarried young woman in her culture would face severe repercussions, but Mary trusted God to handle what she couldn’t.
And what about us? How often do we resist God’s call because we’re afraid of the consequences? How often do we prioritize our comfort and reputation over obedience? Mary’s example challenges us to respond to God with faith and trust, even when the path ahead is unclear.
So, as we think about this story during Advent, let’s ask ourselves: Are we willing to say yes to God like Mary did? Are we willing to step out in faith and trust Him with our future, even when it feels uncertain or risky?
Mary’s faith reminds us that God’s plans often look different from our own, but they are always better. Let us learn from her example and be willing to say, “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.” Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. Yes Yes, Lord. Amen
Possible Discussion Questions
Faith and Trust in God: How do you think Mary’s willingness to say “yes” to God despite the personal cost challenges our understanding of faith and trust? What might it look like for us to show similar trust in God today?
The Significance of Mary’s “Yes”: Mary was an ordinary young woman, yet her response to God’s call was extraordinary. What does her story teach us about how God can use ordinary people to accomplish His extraordinary purposes?
Facing Consequences for Faith: What are some potential consequences we might face in our own lives when we choose to follow God’s will, especially when it contradicts societal expectations or personal comfort? How do we balance faith and fear in these situations?
Mary’s Humility: Gabriel greeted Mary with the words "highly favored" and “The Lord is with you.” Why do you think Mary was troubled by this greeting, and how does her humility shape our understanding of true greatness in God's kingdom?
The Role of Obedience: Mary’s obedience to God was marked by trust and surrender. How can we cultivate a heart of obedience like Mary’s, especially when we don’t fully understand God’s plan for us?
God’s Plans vs. Our Plans: Mary’s story reminds us that God’s plans often differ from our own. Have there been moments in your life when God’s plan felt different from your expectations? How can we learn to embrace God’s plans even when they challenge our own?
マリア ルカの福音書:1:26-38 イザヤ書:11:6 説教者:マーク・バーチ牧師 神戸ユニオン教会 2024年12月8日
Discussion Questions
• 神への信仰と信頼: マリアが自分に大きな犠牲を伴うにもかかわらず、神に「はい」と答えたことは、私たちの信仰と信頼についてどのように挑戦していると思いますか?現代において、私たちがマリアのように神への信頼を示すにはどのような形が考えられるでしょうか?
• マリアの「はい」の重要性: マリアは普通の若い女性でしたが、彼女の神への応答は並外れたものでした。彼女の物語は、神がどのようにして普通の人々を用いて非凡な目的を成し遂げられるかについて、私たちに何を教えているでしょうか?
• 信仰のための結果に直面する: 私たちが神の御心に従うことを選んだとき、特にそれが社会的な期待や個人的な快適さに反する場合、どのような結果に直面する可能性があるでしょうか?そのような状況で、信仰と恐れのバランスをどのように保つことができるでしょうか?
• マリアの謙遜: ガブリエルはマリアに「恵まれた方」「主があなたと共におられます」と語りかけましたが、なぜマリアはこの挨拶に戸惑ったと思いますか?彼女の謙遜さは、神の国における真の偉大さについて、私たちにどのような理解を与えてくれるでしょうか?
• 従順の役割: マリアの神への従順は、信頼と降服によって特徴付けられています。私たちもマリアのように従順な心を育むには、どのような努力が必要でしょうか?特に、神の計画を完全には理解できないときなど。
• 神の計画と私たちの計画: マリアの物語は、神の計画がしばしば私たち自身の計画とは異なることを思い出させます。これまでの人生で、神の計画が自分の期待と違ったと感じた瞬間はありましたか?自分の計画と異なる神の計画を、どのように受け入れることを学べるでしょうか?