“Extravagantly worshiping Jesus!”
Mark 14:1-11
Kobe Union Church
November 17, 2024
Preacher: Rev. Stephanie Bartsch
Imagine this scene that was just read. The time frame is two days before Jesus is beaten, tortured, and hung on the cross. The place is Bethany, at the home of Simon, the one who had been healed of leprosy. Others who would have been present were Lazarus, the one who had been raised from the dead by Jesus, Simon's son; Martha, the one who Jesus rebuked for being so, so busy and worried about many things; and their sister Mary, who sat at Jesus’ feet, listening and learning obediently. They were Simon's two daughters. Most likely, it is Mary who pours out the pure spikenard oil over Jesus' head.
This spikenard, which is extracted from the root of the Valerian plant, would have traveled from the Himalayan range in China, India, and Nepal to be traded and then used as one of the 11 spices and oils to make the Jewish Temple incense. It was highly valued, as it was also used medicinally and had a very musky scent. Mary has some spikenard oil in a beautiful alabaster jar, about 500 milliliters of it, with a wax seal on top to protect the spikenard. In that day and age, it was to be used as part of her dowry upon marriage, a gift from her father, Simon. This kind of dowry would serve as a protection for any woman who received it from financial calamity, like the death of a husband or divorce. It was a valuable oil, and 500 ml could be sold on average for about one year’s wages during that time!
In this scene from Mark 14, we also have those who are angry with the waste of this seemingly foolish act by Mary, the host's daughter. Simon, also having been a Pharisee most likely, was agreeing with them, along with Judas, who was ready to betray Jesus after this. Jesus, in this scene, tells them to stop because by emptying out the pure spikenard on his head, she was performing a prophetic act, acknowledging that Jesus would need the oil poured on him in preparation for his death and burial. Along with being used in incense in the Temple worship twice per day, this spikenard was also used to anoint and cover the bodies of deceased Jewish people before being buried in caves. In this symbolism related to incense, the oil was used for joy—joy of the smell that would waft up to God and joy of the prayers that would rise up to God. So, in this act, Mary was preparing Jesus for his final journey to be tortured and hung on the cross, and showing pure joy that he was her savior. From Proverbs 27:9: "Ointment and incense rejoice the heart." It was brought for use not because of sin or transgression of guilt but only out of sheer joy!
Jesus would still have been able to smell this oil when he was being tortured, as it would usually last up to three weeks due to the heaviness of the oil and aroma. As he was tortured and hung on the cross, I wonder if the beautiful aroma would have helped him to get through his ordeal, knowing that there would be joy later in the sacrifice that he completed for all time and all people?
Some at this scene could not understand that what she did was for pure joy and love of Jesus. Was it an extravagant act of joy and utter humility on her part? Some at this scene were talking and complaining about her wasting good money that could be given to help others. I wonder what it is that we see in this story? What do we feel? What touches us today in this place on a Sunday morning? What if we were to revisit this story and go back to the home of Simon, the former leper now healed, and see where we fit into the story? Where do you see yourselves? What part do you play? Let’s read this story once again and meditate on it, resting and breathing deeply as we read it.
Read Mark 14:1-14
Where are you actively participating in the story? Are you Simon? Hosting the guests, worried about your daughter doing something foolish, embarrassed by her actions that are too adoring of Jesus? Are you Lazarus or Martha, observing your sister worshiping Jesus? Are you Mary—pouring oil on Jesus, giving everything of yourself with extravagant joy? Are you one of the guests who is concerned that the oil could have been sold for money to help others? Are you Judas, wanting to go and betray Jesus after all this waste that has happened before your very eyes?
As I entered the story, I related to Simon. I was embarrassed by her; she was too extravagant, she couldn't follow the rules of society, why was she so embarrassing to our family? Why did she waste the most precious and expensive thing that I, as a parent, freely gave her? You might have other observations of the characters in this story.
Forgive us, Lord, when we want to complain about others who are worshiping and serving you, thinking we know better.Forgive us, Lord, when we are embarrassed by what others are doing in worship of you.Forgive us, Lord, when we betray you and sell out to this world.Forgive us, Lord, when we are frozen in place and even refuse to enter into your story.Forgive us, Lord, when we are arrogant and think we do not need you and don't need to extravagantly give all to you.Forgive us, Lord, when we are scared and don't want to lose control of our last little domain.Forgive us, Lord, when we want to hoard and keep all possessions to ourselves.Forgive us, Lord, when we want to have extravagance for ourselves but don't want to give you any in adoration and worship.
Lord, we thank you for leading us into adoring you extravagantly!Lord, we thank you for helping us to grow in you!Lord, we thank you for nudging us forward into action for the sake of your name!Lord, we thank you for giving us courage to choose you each day!Lord, we thank you for providing all that we need every day!Lord, we thank you for generously loving us and showing us how to live and be!Lord, we thank you for showing us how to trust in your WAY!
Now, we will enter into a time of ritual and prayer. There is a beautiful jar and spikenard oil here, with frankincense in it. It is also one of the fragrances that was mixed in the incense to be burned in the Jewish Temple. It was an incense offering of joy! You are invited to come forward and receive the sign of the cross on your forehead or hand, along with a prayer for joy or for healing. You may want to kneel or stand at the steps to pray as instrumental music is played. When the Holy Spirit nudges us to sing, we will begin singing.
After singing, we will have our benediction. If you would still like to pray at the front, you may do so. If others want prayer, we can pray for each other.
Let us now enter into God's presence and respond to him in adoration and prayer.
神戸ユニオン教会 ― 2024年11月17日
マルコによる福音書 14:1-11
マリアは美しいアラバスター(白色半透明の石膏)の壺に入った500 mlほどのナルド香油を持っていて、壺には香油を保護するため蝋で封がされていたことでしょう。当時の風習として、この香油は結婚持参金として使うよう父シモンから贈られていたものでした。こういった持参金は、夫の死や離婚などの経済的な災難から女性を守る役割がありました。
500 mlのこの貴重な香油は、当時の平均的な年収に相当するほどの価値がありました。
「香油も香りも心を楽しませる」(箴言 27:9)。