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I am a Sinner, Have Mercy on Me! - Sermon - Oct 13, 2024

Updated: Oct 18


Mark 10:46-52

Preacher: Rev. Mark Bartsch

Kobe Union Church

October 6, 2024

As kids, we played the game Marco Polo in the local pool. One person was "it" and had to keep their eyes closed. (By the way, the game always ended with some kids accusing others of peeking.) To locate and tag others, the person who was "it" would shout, “Marco,” and everyone had to respond, “Polo.” It was always funny watching someone who couldn’t see dive after someone who wasn’t there. But being blind isn’t fun and games. Not knowing where you are or what’s around you can make you feel lost and alone. Not sure if the game was the best way to remember one of the greatest explorers in history, but I didn’t make the game.

I once did an experiment where I tried to walk from my apartment to Ashiyagawa Station without looking. It’s a route I’ve taken hundreds of times, only a seven-minute walk. You’ve probably heard the saying, “I can do that blindfolded.” Well, I thought I could do it blindfolded. I was wrong. My son Isaiah was with me, and he had to reorient me at least ten times. That’s why it’s written, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps 119:105). Without the Word of God to light our way, we are blind. Sure, we think we can do it on our own, but no—we can’t.

Now to our scripture today. Bartimaeus is the focus. His name means "son of Timaeus," so his name is really like being called "Junior." Bar simply means son of. Timaeus means "son of the highly praised." It must have been hard to live with that name as someone who was not born blind but became blind later in life, possibly due to an accident or illness. He probably didn’t feel like the son of someone highly praised, but instead like someone under a curse—and back then, blindness was often seen as a curse. Have you ever felt like you were cursed? You’ve heard the phrase, “If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.” Junior felt that way.

This passage marks the climax of the first half of Mark and comes just before Jesus' final steps to Jerusalem. Bartimaeus is the last person healed (physically) in the Gospel of Mark. Luke and John include the healing of the guard's ear after Peter cut it off, but in Mark, this is the final healing—and it’s the only healing in the Bible where we know the person’s name. The next stop is the Triumphal Entry.

For much of the journey to Jerusalem, Jesus has been teaching about what it means to be a disciple. Peter didn’t see, or didn’t want to see, that Jesus had to go to the cross. The rich young man didn’t see that there’s a cost to following Jesus. The sons of Zebedee didn’t see because they were focused on gaining positions at Jesus’ right and left hand instead of serving. But with all these people around Jesus, Junior is the only one who sees and begins crying out to Jesus. All Junior had to go on were the stories he’d heard—stories of Jesus healing lepers, the lame, the dying, the sick, and even the blind—and he wanted to be part of that story. And I do too. If your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life, you’re also part of Jesus’ story (Rev 21:27).

So here in Jericho (the place where the walls fell), just as Jesus is about to enter the final steps of his journey to Jerusalem, we encounter someone who truly sees. And he even has a name. Everyone Jesus healed had a name, but we don’t know them. The man with demons—no name. The deaf-mute man—no name. Even the rich young man isn’t named, but Junior is. And God knows your name, knows you, knows so much about you that He even knows how many hairs are on your head (Lk 12:7).

I want to share a story that impacted my life. My parents were serving as practical missionaries in Korea after the war, working to distribute food that the Canadian church was providing to orphanages. Before they arrived, much of it was being taken by the military. One day, my father befriended a shoeshine and shoe repair man. After not seeing him for a while, he found the man begging on the street—just like Bartimaeus. My father asked him why he wasn’t running his shop anymore, and the man explained that he was going blind and couldn’t work. My father, who had some connections at a local hospital, got him in to see an eye doctor, who operated and restored his sight. Praise God!

But the story doesn’t end there. Sometimes we think healing is the end of the story, but it’s often just the beginning. When Jesus healed the man at the pool of Bethesda, He warned the man that even though he was healed, there are worse things that can happen to a person than not being able to walk (John 5).

The man had sold all his equipment because he didn’t think he’d ever be able to work again. Now that he could see—praise God!—he had no way to provide for himself. My father, who wasn’t a businessman but a psychologist, gave him a small loan. Small loans weren’t common in the 1960s, and my father didn’t expect the man to pay it back. But he did, with modest interest. My father gave another small loan, and another. Eventually, this became a pattern that was passed on to the next missionary, then to a Korean businessman. My parents forgot about it until 2010, when a Korean bank called them, trying to trace down the founder of what had become a microloan institution. I tell this story for a reason:

You never know the impact one Christian can make in the world by following the Spirit of the Lord.

Begging was normal in Jesus’ day, much like it is becoming in ours. Go to any major city in the US or Canada, and you’ll encounter people begging. In Jesus’ day, it was a form of social security for those who couldn’t make a living due to disability. But they were to be unseen and certainly not heard, especially when someone famous or powerful was coming through. Last year, when the US and China had a summit in San Francisco, they cleared all the homeless off the streets so that the US wouldn’t be shamed by the sight of thousands of homeless. Bartimaeus—be quiet. Bartimaeus—stop this foolishness and calling out to the teacher. You know he could be our next king. He could drive out the Romans. So shut up.

Just like the four friends who dug a hole in someone’s roof so they could lower their crippled friend in front of Jesus (Luke 5), Bartimaeus is calling out to the Lord. In Luke 19, when the Pharisees are telling Jesus to silence the crowd from singing “Hosanna in the Highest,” Jesus said, "If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." Here is one they thought as insignificant as a stone, crying out Jesus’ Messianic title, "Son of David, have mercy on me, a sinner."

Bartimaeus was begging when he heard the crowd getting excited. It was Jesus—the one he must’ve heard about countless times. The one who healed the lame, the demon-possessed, and those with leprosy—maybe He could heal him too. People scream for help all the time, but Bartimaeus began yelling at the top of his lungs, hoping to get Jesus’ attention. His words were vital: “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Jericho, the first city that fell under Joshua, the earlier Yeshua, was now witnessing a new Yeshua—Jesus—who could topple the wall of Bartimaeus’ blindness. "Jesus! Son of David! Have mercy on me!"

The word in Greek is eleison—a word deeply embedded in church liturgy: Kyrie eleison. In the Orthodox tradition, the "Jesus Prayer" says, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." Sometimes I pray this prayer over and over because, like Bartimaeus, I too am blind. Life is moving fast, and I can’t see two feet in front of me. “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” I need Your kyrie eleison, Your mercy. Even though I don’t deserve it, I’m asking for this crumb from Your table. Because a crumb from Jesus is more than anyone else can give you in this world. Kyrie eleison.

It’s interesting to contrast Bartimaeus’ approach to Jesus with that of the rich young man. While the rich young man thought he could earn his way into the kingdom by keeping commandments and relying on his wealth, Bartimaeus simply begged for mercy. He knew he had nothing to offer—no status, no achievements—just a desperate need for healing and grace.

This is the heart of the gospel: we don’t come to Jesus with what we can give, but with the recognition of what we need. Like Bartimaeus, we must come humbly, acknowledging our blindness and crying out for mercy.

If you are in need of love, if you are in need of healing—whether physical, emotional, or spiritual—follow Bartimaeus’ example. Cry out to Jesus. Keep calling, even when the world tells you to be silent. Keep seeking Him, even when the path seems unclear. Jesus, the Son of David, the Messiah, is full of mercy, and He will hear you.

The same mercy Jesus gave to Bartimaeus, He offers to us today. He offers the kind of healing that not only restores our sight but transforms our hearts. All we need to do is cry out in faith, and He will stop—just as He did for Bartimaeus—and respond with love, forgiveness, and healing.

“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me, a sinner.” This simple prayer holds the power to break through the walls of our blindness and open our eyes to the grace of God. And that is the promise we hold on to—He hears, He responds, and He saves. Amen.











その男は、もう働けないと思ってすべての機材を売ってしまっていました。今、彼は視力を取り戻しました—神に感謝します!—しかし、自分を養う方法がありませんでした。父は、ビジネスマンではなく心理学者でしたが、彼に小さな融資をしました。1960年代には小額の融資は一般的ではなく、父はその男が返済することを期待していませんでした。しかし、彼は modestな利子をつけて返済しました。父はさらにもう一つ小さな融資をし、また一つ。最終的には、これは次の宣教師に引き継がれ、次に韓国のビジネスマンへと受け継がれました。私の両親はそれを忘れていましたが、2010年に韓国の銀行から電話があり、今やマイクロローン機関となったその創設者を追跡しようとしていました。この話をする理由があります:





エリコ、ヨシュアが最初に陥落させた都市、以前のイエスが、今や新しいイエス—イエス・キリスト—を目撃していました。彼はバルティマイの盲目の壁を打ち破ることができるのです。「イエス! ダビデの子よ! 私に慈しみを施してください!」







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