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The Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers

The Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers

Scripture Reference: Mark 12:1-12

Kobe Union Church in Kobe, Japan Speaker: Pastor Tony Nofuente

October 20, 2024

Just so we have a quick background for the passage before us this morning, Chapter 11 ends where the authority of Jesus was being challenged by the rulers of Israel, the scribes, and the Pharisees and the members of the ruling body of the Sanhedrin. Shortly after this episode in the ministry of Jesus, Mark tells us of the parable that we just heard our Scripture reader read ever so understandably clear. This is the parable of the wicked vinedressers which happened also to be the title my message this morning -- The Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers.

Now, I don’t think I will be missing the mark completely if I say we all know Jesus’ teaching methodology is mostly by using parables. And the reason why this is so, is because Jesus wanted to take His message straight to the people. He wanted to communicate in a way that would resonate with His audience, so He told parables to share religious truths that could immediately connect with His listeners. And boy! If I were to name a single parable that directly connected with His target, it is this parable because His message landed like a football thrown right onto their chests, they cannot miss it. 

We should also note this particular parable is not one designed to hide some truth of the kingdom of God from those who are outside the kingdom of God who have no eyes to see or ears to hear. In fact, the meaning of this parable is plain and easy to understand, that those to whom it was targeted, namely the religious leaders of Israel, understood it clearly. When Jesus spoke this parable, the parable of the vinedressers, Jesus knew it would deliberately provoke His enemies to greater enmity against Him. 

You see, political correctness never occurred in Jesus’ mind. When sin was blatantly in front of Him, He didn’t hesitate to call attention to it. And while we can detect the difference in the tone by which He rebuked sinners, i.e., to the lowly of heart, He was gentle, tender, and mild, but to those of religious authority who corrupted the things of God, Jesus never held back. This is the one occasion where our Lord uses a parable that only thinly veils God’s wrath against the rulers over Israel. 

Let us look now at the content of this parable. He began to speak saying a man planted a vineyard. Set a hedge around it, dug a place for the wine vat and built a tower. Here, we can immediately see that Jesus was not only familiar but had a vast knowledge of the wine growing industry in Israel, where the farmers would set about planting their grapevines, and in addition to the vines that they would plant, they would put a hedge around the entire vineyard. And after they did that, they would build a wine press and vats to contain the squeezed juices that they may ferment over a period of time and produce various vintages of wine. They would also build a tower in every vineyard, and the purpose of the tower was to station a watchman on its top that he may watch for the invasion of animals that might destroy the crops and or thieves who might come and steal the wine. And also, visiting tenant farmers often stayed inside these towers as their place of temporary residence. 

I just might add in passing, that this process of the growing of vineyards had its roots beginning in the early history of the Jewish people and the purpose among the Jews of the growing of the vine was to make wine, not grape juice. One would have to completely distort the text of sacred Scriptures and have contemporary cultural biases to engage in the hopeless task of trying to say that the Jews didn’t make real wine, that the Jews didn’t use real wine in the Passover, that Jesus didn’t make real wine at the wedding feast of Canaan. All you have to do is look at one of the most ancient of the wine makers of Israel, namely Noah. He planted a vineyard, and he overindulged in the fruit of the vine, and as a result, he became drunk. And records upon records from numerous Bible Scholars will tell us it was a direct result of his over-indulgence not of Chardonnay or Welch’s grape juice, but of real wine. 

But what I want us to notice about this introduction to the scope of the vineyard is the extraordinary care that is given to the vines, the protection and the tending, the weeding and the care of it. If you’ve ever been to wine growing region in Yamanashi Prefecture or Napa Valley, California in the United States, you’ll see those long rows upon rows of the grapes and how precise and neatly they are trimmed and cared for, how careful they are in the way in which the juice is stored in either metal vats or in wooden containers. And it’s so expensive to do it right that even with modern technology, the care is extraordinary to keep from losing the crop.  

And it was also true in the ancient era because the wine growing industry was one of the most important and fruitful endeavors in agriculture for the entire nation. It is right up there with the olive oil industry in those days. So, we can only vision that the care of the vineyard is one of the great concerns to the owner. 

But at any rate, in our story for this morning, we are told that the owner has to go away to the far country and in his absence, he leaves his vines, the watch tower, the winepress and the vats, his whole enterprise, in the hands of vinedressers. The vinedressers were tenant farmers. They were hirelings who typically are not as conscientious as the owner when it comes to the care and tending of the farm. 

And one of the things that was different about the tenant farmers of the wine industry from other agriculture was in other field of agriculture, the tenant farmers could alternate the crops from year to year at their own choice. Reminds me of my younger sister in the Philippines, who with great, big help from her husband, is caring and tending the small rice farm we inherited from our parents. Weather permitting, they alternate crops from rice to watermelon and other vegetables every year. 

But this is not so in the wine industry. It takes years of meticulous preparation to get a vintage crop, so the same thing was done year in and year out.  And as anyone would or should expect, the owner is expectantly anxious to see how the latest vintage of wine was produced. And so, at the time when the vintage was produced, this owner who is faraway sent messengers back to his vineyard to collect his legal share of the wine. But listen to what happened. “At vintage time, He sent a servant to the vinedressers that he might receive some of the fruit of the vineyard from the vinedressers. But they took him and beat him and sent him away…empty-handed.” And so, Jesus continues with the parable and says, “So again, he sent them another servant. And at him they threw stones, wounded him in the head, and sent him away shamefully treated. And again, he sent another, and him they killed and many others.” Do you see how the cruelty against the servants of the owner escalates, first from a beating, second to a stoning, sending the man away in shame and disgrace, and now the next servant that comes, he is killed and many subsequently thereafter. 

Therefore, still having one son…His beloved. He sent him to them last, saying “surely, they will respect my son.” Now, think for a moment. You are a Pharisee. You are near the temple mount in Jerusalem. You see the statues outside the wall that were there at that time commemorating the great prophets of the Old Testament who were stoned and ridiculed and rejected by the household of Israel. And now you hear this Jesus telling the story. How easy is it to see, that the vineyard represents Israel? That the vineyard is owned by God? 

Now, if you don’t mind, let me go back for just a moment to the Old Testament…to the prophetic book of Isaiah, with which these religious leaders were obviously knowledgeable about. In Chapter 5, just listen carefully for a moment. 

The title is “God’s disappointing vineyard.”  Now God is speaking to His Beloved, who owns a vineyard.  My well-beloved has a vineyard on a very fruitful hill. He dug it up and cleared out its stones, and planted it with the choicest vine. He built a tower in its midst. And also made a winepress in it, so he expected it to bring good grapes, but it brought forth wild grapes. The Hebrew says stinking grapes. And now O inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah, judge between me and my vineyard. What more could have been done to my vineyard that I have not done for it. Why then, when I expected it to bring forth good grapes, that bring forth wild grapes? 

And please let me tell you now, what I will do to My vineyard. I will take away its hedge, and it shall be burned, I will break down its wall and it will and shall be trampled down. I will lay it waste, it shall not be pruned or dug, but there shall come up briers and thorn, I will command the clouds that there be no rain upon it. For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are His pleasant plant. He looked for justice, but behold, oppression for righteousness, but behold a cry for help. 

Now, notice in this prophecy, God’s anger is directed against the vineyard, because the vineyard that is owned by the Lord’s Beloved is barren. The vineyard brings forth rotten grapes after the choicest vine had been planted, all the care of tending the vines had taken place, and in the end, the fruit is worthless. 

And so, God says about the vineyard. I’ll burn down the hedge. I’ll burn down the vines, and they will not produce any fruit. I won’t let any rain fall upon them. So, Bro and Sis, this is a prophecy, a prophecy of God’s judgement…on Israel. 

But Church, notice when Jesus borrows from the very language of Isaiah, Chapter 5, in the parable that our reader read for us in the beginning, the judgement is not directed to the vineyard. It’s not the vineyard that is going to be destroyed. It’s the wicked vinedressers, the clergy. God is not going to destroy His church, but rather the corrupt clergy, who have been placed in charge of it to nurture it, to feed it, and to tend it. And of course, the servants that were sent to the vinedressers were the Old Testament prophets who came speaking the word of the Lord to the leadership of Israel, as Jeremiah did in his temple speech in Chp 7 saying, “You say this is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord! You trust in lying words that do not profit. I say that this temple will be destroyed. Go to Shiloh and look at it, and you will see the ruins there of that sanctuary, and that’s what Jerusalem is going to look like because the leaders were false prophets and would not respect the word of the God.” 

So, going back to our parable today, the owner decides to send His son, who is the only one who has legal claim to the vineyard. The Son is the heir. The Son is not just a servant who can come and pass on the owner’s message to the vinedressers. But when the Son comes, the hired hands have to submit to His authority, because he is the son of the owner. And He is called here just as he is in Isaiah’s prophecy– “God’s Beloved.” 

It’s clear that the owner is God. It’s clear to every Pharisee standing there what Jesus is talking about. And it’s clear to those standing by that the vinedressers, the tenant farmers were the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin who have rejected the word of God that came from the prophets and now the owner has sent His son. His beloved. 

Do you remember at the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry, He was identified by the Father Himself, with the voice from heaven as He came up out of the Jordan River from His baptism. “This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”? And again, later the voice from heaven came. “This is My Beloved Son, listen to Him.” And the beloved Son is now speaking to the clergy, and they are enraged. He says, Therefore, still having one Son, he sent him at last to them. Saying, they will respect my son, but the vinedressers said among themselves saying, “This is the heir, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours. So, they took him and killed him and cast him out of the vineyard. Let us take him and kill him. 

Do you remember hearing those same words before, spoken about a beloved son of somebody?  The brothers of Joseph in Genesis 37 conspired among themselves because of their jealousy that their father favored Joseph. And so together, they said, “Let us come together and kill him.” And we will divide his inheritance among ourselves. But, this is not a plot to kill a brother. This is a plot to kill the Beloved Son of God!

Bro and Sis, do you realize, that when the Son of God walked the earth, there was not a moment from the time of His birth until the time of His execution that His life was safe, among human beings? Nobody wants to hear it, but our basic fallen nature is such that we are not simply indifferent to God. We hate God! God is our mortal enemy. And fallen human beings will stop at nothing to rid themselves of the sovereignty of their Creator.

If God as a Father came to Kobe, Japan and power were given to the people of Kobe, to destroy Him, His life would not last for very long. There is such a hostility in the human heart, that if God’s life were made vulnerable to human beings, He would be destroyed.  Now I’m not just speaking theoretically (long pause) because… it happened!  It happened just as Jesus said it would happen. They would take the Son, kill Him and cast Him out of the vineyard. Just as days later,12c they took the Son of God, and they killed Him outside of the city, outside of the camp, outside of the vineyard of God.

So, he asked the question. “What will the owner of the vineyard do?”

Unlike the prophecy in Isaiah, he does not say he will come and destroy the vineyard. He will come and destroy the vinedressers and give the vineyard to others. He will destroy the temple. He’ll destroy the whole Jewish sacrificial system. He’ll destroy the Jewish priesthood, the Pharisees, the Sanhedrin, and give the vineyard to the Gentiles, which is one of the great mysteries of redemptive history that Paul elaborates in Romans 11. He says in verse 11 and 12, speaking of the chosen people of God, Israel, “I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall? Certainly not! But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles. Now if their fall is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more their fullness!”

Have you not read the Scriptures? The stone which the builders rejected – the builders rejected? God was building a building, another metaphor here and the stones were His people, and the builders were the construction workers, the contractors who were responsible to build that building on a foundation, a firm foundation of the prophets and the apostles. But instead, they built their house on sand and took the Chief Cornerstone and tripped all over it and rejected it. But that stone which they rejected became the Chief Cornerstone in God’s church. This was the Lord’s doing, the prophet said, “And is marvelous in our eyes.” And they sought to lay hands on Him, but feared the multitude, for they understood that He had spoken the parable against them.

So, they left him and went away. Only to continue their deliberations. Only to continue their plans in secrecy, only to continue their conspiracy to destroy Him, which as you know they did, murdered not by thieves or robbers, not by Roman soldiers, but by the clergy who had been given the task of caring for the vineyard of the Beloved. 

They   killed   God’s   only   Beloved!

Let us pray.

神戸ユニオン教会 ― 2024年10月20日
















「収穫の時になったので、ぶどう園の収穫を受け取るために、を農夫たちのところへ送った。 だが、農夫たちは、この僕を捕まえて袋だたきにし、何も持たせないで帰した。 そこでまた、他の僕を送ったが、農夫たちはその頭を殴り、侮辱した。 更に、もう一人を送ったが、今度は殺した。そのほかに多くの僕を送ったが、ある者は殴られ、ある者は殺された」(マルコ12:2-5)。





「わたしの愛する者は、肥沃な丘に ぶどう畑を持っていた。 よく耕して石を除き、良いぶどうを植えた。 その真ん中に見張りの塔を立て、酒ぶねを掘り 良いぶどうが実るのを待った。 しかし、実ったのは酸っぱいぶどうであった」(イザヤ 5:1-2)。


「さあ、エルサレムに住む人、ユダの人よ わたしとわたしのぶどう畑の間を裁いてみよ。 わたしがぶどう畑のためになすべきことで 何か、しなかったことがまだあるというのか。 わたしは良いぶどうが実るのを待ったのに なぜ、酸っぱいぶどうが実ったのか。 さあ、お前たちに告げよう わたしがこのぶどう畑をどうするか。 囲いを取り払い、焼かれるにまかせ 石垣を崩し、踏み荒らされるにまかせ わたしはこれを見捨てる。 枝は刈り込まれず 耕されることもなく 茨やおどろが生い茂るであろう。 雨を降らせるな、とわたしは雲に命じる。 イスラエルの家は万軍の主のぶどう畑 主が楽しんで植えられたのはユダの人々。 主は裁き(ミシュパト)を待っておられたのに 見よ、流血(ミスパハ)。 正義(ツェダカ)を待っておられたのに 見よ、叫喚(ツェアカ)」(イザヤ 5:3-7)。




「わたしの名によって呼ばれるこの神殿は、お前たちの目に強盗の巣窟と見えるのか。そのとおり。わたしにもそう見える、と主は言われる。 わたしの名によって呼ばれ、お前たちが依り頼んでいるこの神殿に、そしてお前たちと先祖に与えたこの所に対して、わたしはシロにしたようにする。 今や、お前たちがこれらのことをしたから――と主は言われる――そしてわたしが先に繰り返し語ったのに、その言葉に従わず、呼びかけたのに答えなかったから、 シロのわたしの聖所に行ってみよ。かつてわたしはそこにわたしの名を置いたが、わが民イスラエルの悪のゆえに、わたしがそれをどのようにしたかを見るがよい」(エレミヤ書 7:11-14)。





「『これはわたしの愛する子、わたしの心に適う者』と言う声が、天から聞こえた」(マタイ 3:17)。











「では、尋ねよう。ユダヤ人がつまずいたとは、倒れてしまったということなのか。決してそうではない。かえって、彼らの罪によって異邦人に救いがもたらされる結果になりましたが、それは、彼らにねたみを起こさせるためだったのです。 彼らの罪が世の富となり、彼らの失敗が異邦人の富となるのであれば、まして彼らが皆救いにあずかるとすれば、どんなにかすばらしいことでしょう」(ローマ11:11-12)。

「聖書にこう書いてあるのを読んだことがないのか。 『家を建てる者の捨てた石、これが隅の親石となった……』」(マルコ12:10)。

神は家を建てようとされていました。ここにもたとえが出てきますが、石は神の民です。家を建てる者というのは、預言者や使徒が築いた強固な土台の上に家を建てる責任を負う建設労働者であり、工事請負人のことです。しかし祭司たちは自分たちの家を砂の上に立て、土台となる隅の親石を取り、その石につまずき、親石を拒みました。しかし祭司たちが拒んだその石が、神の教会の礎となりました。「これは主がなさったことで、これは主の御業 わたしたちの目には驚くべきこと」(詩編 118:23)。





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